=============================== Hardware-Specific Adapter Setup =============================== #. We will be copying some code from your specific hardware's webpage. Find it in the list in :doc:`supported_adapters` and leave it open in a browser tab. #. Open your adapter's git repository in Visual Studio Code. Make sure you open it in the container. #. Open the file :file:`Pipfile`. #. In the packages section, add the lines listed on your specific hardware's page in the :file:`Pipfile` section. #. Run ``pipenv lock`` in the terminal window. Wait until the command has completed - this will take a few minutes and it will update the :file:`Pipfile.lock` for you. #. Rebuild your container. In Visual Studio Code, press ``Ctrl-Shift-P`` to open the command palette. Type ``Rebuild Container Without Cache`` and select that command to run it. #. In your adapter repository, within the :file:`configs` folder, you will find one or more subfolders--each corresponding to a different :ref:`configuration context`. Create a new folder in the :file:`configs` folder named :file:`tutorial`. #. Inside that folder, make sure to place the :file:`secrets.yaml` you created in the guide for :doc:`local_dev_container`. #. Also inside that folder, copy the :file:`config.yaml` exactly as listed on your specific hardware's page and follow any instructions given for that specific hardware's :file:`config.yaml` customization. #. For the :file:`config.yaml`, you also need to customize: #. The entire ``artificial`` section needs to be set to the correct instance. You can get the entire deployment config from your Artificial's settings page by following these steps: #. Go to your instance in Artificial. #. Click on the Settings icon. #. Select the correct lab under the Labs section. #. Scroll down to the Deployment Config section and copy the entire ``artificial`` section there into your yaml file in place of the existing ``artificial`` section. #. In the ``asset_sync`` section, update the rid guid to the one matching your device. The rid can be obtained by: #. logging into your instance and selecting the correct Lab. #. Click on the equipment to select it and click on the ``Edit asset details`` icon on the far right. #. In the right pane, under ``Debug`` copy the instance ID (this is the rid) and copy it into the adapter's :file:`config.yaml` file. #. For more advanced use cases, consult :doc:`adapter_configuration`. #. Next, replace the entire contents of the :file:`adapter/main/plugin.py` file with those listed on your specific hardware's page. #. Set this as the active context by replacing the :file:`configs/context.yaml` file with the one below. .. code-block:: yaml :caption: :file:`configs/context.yaml` activeContext: tutorial #. This should successfully set up the driver-specific portions of the adapter. You should continue following the guide that sent you here.