================================== Step 1: Set up your workspace ================================== This tutorial will walk you through the steps to set up your workspace so that you'll be able to write and publish your own Workflows. To simplify the setup process for this tutorial, you'll write and deploy your Workflows using Codespaces, a VS Code-based development environment in the cloud hosted by GitHub that we've pre-configured to include the Artificial SDK. Create a GitHub account ======================= #. Create a GitHub account associated with your company email. #. Optional: To promote standardization and collaboration in the lab automation community, Workflows is a community platform. However, we understand that some users prefer to maintain anonymity and privacy. In these cases, you can opt out of being publicly listed on shared community Artificial repos. To do this, in GitHub, turn off :menuselection:`Settings --> Notifications --> Automatically watch repositories`. .. note:: Repositories with your workflows are private and not public to the community. #. Provide your GitHub User ID to your Customer Success Manager. Create a Codespace ================== .. video:: _static/create_codespace.mp4 :autoplay: :muted: :loop: #. Open the link to your GitHub Repo from your Customer Success Manager. #. Create a branch for your work so it doesn't conflict with anybody else's. For example: "name/tutorial". #. Click the green button labeled :guilabel:`<> Code` and then the green button labeled :guilabel:`Create codespace on name/tutorial`. This step may take a few minutes to complete. .. note:: A Codespace is a VS Code-based development environment in the cloud hosted by GitHub that we've pre-configured to include the Artificial SDK. It's a great way to get started quickly without having to install anything on your local machine. .. _connect-vscode: Sign In to Your Instance ==================================== .. video:: _static/connect_codespace.mp4 :autoplay: :muted: :loop: #. Copy the URL of the Artificial instance that you want to connect to. Make sure to include ``http://`` #. Open the Command Palette by clicking in the search bar or using ``CMD-SHIFT-P``/``CTRL-SHIFT-P``, then type ``>Artificial: Sign in`` and press enter to run the Sign in command. #. Click Open when prompted and follow the window instructions. #. If successful, you will see two dialogs that say Sign in successful! and Add File to Context completed successfully.