Writing Custom Device Drivers#

This page guides users through setting up a .NET C# demo driver server project in Visual Studio 2022 Community.

Additional guides can be found directly from the Microsoft Visual Studio Tutorial Pages.

Required Software#

  • Windows Environment. Ensure you are in a Windows environment for development.

  • Visual Studio. Download and install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition. During installation, select the following workloads:

    • ✔️ ASP.NET and web development

    • ✔️ .NET desktop development



    You can skip the sign-in step when launching Visual Studio.

Running the Demo Server#

  1. Extract the Demo Solution project files provided into a project folder. Example: C:/src/

  2. From Visual Studio, Open the Artificial.DemoAPIServer.sln file.


    This file is located at C:/src/driver-demo/Artificial.DemoApiServer/Artificial.DemoApiServer.sln

  3. Select Debug and Start Debugging or F5 from the Visual Studio context menu.

  4. Click Yes and allow any prompts to Install and trust local certificates.

  5. In a browser, validate the setup by visiting the below URLs. If you were successful in your setup, you will see the pages populate.