Publish your Workflow from Codespaces#

This article describes how you can deploy your Workflow to your production instance. You can now deploy Workflows to your production instance via Codespaces!

Follow the below steps to try it out:

  1. In the configs folder, go to your config.yaml file, and make sure it matches your production instance details:


    <company> This is the URL for the instance you want to deploy the workflow to.


    <company> This is the URL for the instance you want to deploy the workflow to.


    <lab ID> This is the lab that you will deploy the Workflow too. For details on obtaining the labID, visit here.


    <company> This is your company name.


    <company> This is the prefix to the URL. If you are deploying to, this will be company-dev.

  2. In the same folder as the config.yaml file, update your secrets.yaml with a production token:

    1. Go to Settings and select API Key under your name.

    2. Select Add new Token and name this “Codespaces”.

    3. Copy this token before you close out!

    4. Paste this token into the secrets.yaml file

  3. In the configs folder, go to context.yaml, and make sure the activeContext is set to the correct folder with the modified config and secrets files.

  4. Click the Artificial extension to activate the extension.

  5. You can check if you have the latest commits in a terminal window with the git log command. If you don’t have the latest commits, then you can fetch and pull.

  6. Under Workflow Publishing, find your Workflow and publish it with 1 of the 2 options:

    1. Click the upload icon next to the name

    2. Click “Publish now” in the workflow .py file

  7. Go to your production instance and go to Workflows, open your Workflow and adjust one of the configuration options, and hit Save. If your Workflow does not have configurations, no action is required.