Reserving a Resource for Several Actions in a Row#
Locking groups of actions can be useful if you want to reserve a resource, like a liquid handler, over a set of different actions. This is commonly used to reserve a resource over a load assistant, the run method, and unload, so that other jobs do not attempt to claim the resource.
To set this up in Orchestration Python, there are a few notable concepts:
Actor Reference
from artificial.workflows.decorators import actor_reference
Then connect the actor reference to what has been configured in your adapter in
:bravo = actor_reference('bravo', [('bravo', InstrumentActor)], 'Bravo')
Utilize the actor by reserving it in Orchestration Python.
from artificial.workflows.util import reserve
Then reserve:
with reserve(bravo, InstrumentActor): await LockingAssistants.load() await run_bravo_method()
Locking Example#
from artificial.workflows.decorators import workflow, actor_reference
from artificial.workflows.util import reserve
from stubs.stubs_assistants import LockingAssistants
from stubs.stubs_actions import run_bravo_method, run_i7_method
bravo = actor_reference('bravo', [('bravo', InstrumentActor)], 'Bravo')
i7 = actor_reference('i7', [('i7', InstrumentActor)], 'Beckman Biomek i7')
@workflow('Locking', 'wf_locking', 'lab_c9eae09e-ceed-46d1-8390-87ff7dd8586d')
async def locking() -> None:
# This locks the bravo resource, over the execution of all three of these actions
with reserve(bravo, InstrumentActor):
await LockingAssistants.load()
await run_bravo_method()
await LockingAssistants.unload()
with reserve(i7, InstrumentActor ):
await LockingAssistants.load()
await run_i7_method()
await LockingAssistants.unload()