Configuring the Lab Hardware Driver#

Most installations will need no customization to their configuration. If problems arise, users can try changing the configuration. There are two places the installed driver stores configuration information. Both are files in the driver installation directory, typically C:/Program Files (x86)/Artificial/[DriverName]Server_Installer/bin. The file Artificial.[DriverName]ApiServer.exe.config has a section for appsettings. Each driver can have specialized settings, like database connection strings, that need to be customized for the PC. You will also see a general section of settings that looks like this:

    <!-- use http://localhost:55175 or http://localhost:49835 for development -->
    <add key="ServerUrl" value="" />
    <add key="LogLevelDefault" value="Information" />
    <add key="LogLevelSystem" value="Information" />
    <add key="LogLevelMicrosoft" value="Information" />

For example, if you need to specify a different port number, like 12345, then change the server’s URL by changing line 3 above in the file to something like this:

<add key=”ServerUrl” value=”http://localhost:12345” />

Also, the file appsettings.json has more advanced customization options. Most importantly, make sure SimulateDriver is set to false.

"AllowedHosts": "*",
"__comment_cert": ["CertificateFile is the full path to the certificate file.",
"If no certificate file is specified, then the url will be changed to http."],
"CertificateFile": "",
"__comment_url": ["ServerUrl can be specified to override the server url to be used.",
"By default, the url to be used is the first server specified in the openapi file.",
"Normally, the production server is the first server be specified."],
"ServerUrl": "",
"SimulateDriver": "false",
"MockSuccess":  "true"

For customizations specific to the hardware, consult the page for that hardware which can be found here Supported Equipment. For confirming the driver is working or troubleshooting the driver, see those sections in Connecting to On-Site Lab Hardware.